Eurowings to feed Singapore Airlines with Euro traffic

download (1)Eurowings (EW, Dusseldorf) has announced the signing of a cooperation agreement with Singapore Airlines (SQ, Singapore Changi). Under the partnership, the German LCC will provide European feeder traffic into the Singaporean carrier’s longhaul network via Dusseldorf and Munich.

The LCC currently serves Dortmund from Munich as well as various destinations in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Sweden, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, France, Poland, Kosovo, Romania, and Switzerland from Dusseldorf.

In November last year, Singapore Airlines signed a partnership agreement with Lufthansa (LH, Frankfurt Int’l) to operate on routes between Singapore and Europe on a joint-venture basis, to expand codeshare ties and deepen commercial cooperation. The agreement also covers Austrian Airlines (OS, Vienna), Swiss (LX, Zurich), and SilkAir (MI, Singapore Changi).

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