Intelligence has expressed concern over Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA) security as the authorities are not strictly following the customs rules while keeping luggages to the ‘Lost and Found godowns’.
According to Customs Law, each luggage has to be scanned whether the passenger is with it or not. Generally the luggages which are carried by the passengers are scanned accordingly. But the luggages which are carried by airlines are directly sent to godowns sans scanning. The owners later collect these unscanned luggage from the godowns, said a report of the intelligence agency.
They also expressed concern over increasing trend of smugglings of gold, tortoise and foreign currencies etc through the same channel as the airlines representatives are careless about scanning passenger’s luggages.
Customs Intelligence and Armed Police Battalion (APBn) often seize various kinds of smuggling goods from the Lost and Found goddown.
In a recent report, the intelligence agency gives their evaluation report about the matter and expressed worry saying if the situation continues then Shahjalal International Airport’s security systems will be broken down.
The security agency made their report through observing at least 37 flights which landed at the airport from June 1 to June 19 this year.
According to the report, the intelligence agency observed flight number EY-258, MH-112, FZ-585, RX-785, and G9-515 on June 2. Flight number TK-712, SV-808, BG-022, MH-102, SQ-446 on June 3. Flight number FZ-583, MH 102, 9W-276, EK-586, SV-804, RX-785, TR-2656 on June 4.
Flight number GF-250, BG-050, G9-517, EY-258, G9-511 on June 5. TK-712, EK-582 on June 6. 9W-274, CZ-391, MJ-501, SV-804, EK-586 on June 7. Flight number QR-634, BG-087, BG-126, EK-582, KU-283 on June, 16 and flight number QR-636, 9W-276, MH-102 on June 19 were observed respectively.
The luggages of these flights were not scanned before sending these to godowns.
The report recommended that the airlines representatives must be brought under tight supervision. The report also said, “It should be investigated why airlines representatives are careless about scanning of passenger’s luggages. The report also recommended to investigate whether the customs officials’ are involved with the matter.”