Marriage Solution BD goes digital to avail matchmaking

Match making platform, has commenced operations on digital domain to support find a match online easily. Officials in a press release on Sunday claimed that the matchmaking of desired bride and groom is ‘quite difficult’ within large population like Bangladesh. To make this task easier, has come up with a huge collection online.

Marriage Soultion BD has been working as traditional organisation since 2012 with the slogan of humanity, pursuit and service. The platform has been tied knot among numerous brides and grooms in home and abroad with widespread of digital database.

The interested ones can now quickly and easily find matchmakers from this website. Based on personal preference, profession, religion and other variations, eligible and reliable matchmakers are found on this online platform.

Shakawat Hossain Shuvo, managing director of Marriage Soultion BD, said that the platform is working to change people’s misconceptions about the services of marriage media in Bangladesh.

“For 12 years, this company has found a place in people’s hearts by faithfully finding brides and grooms. We have numerous success stories in this field. We hope, can keep its signature of success on digital platform as well.

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