How to pick the best credit card for airline miles, points, cash back.
Every day, we’re bombarded with offers for credit cards. They all promise free stuff, and who doesn’t want free stuff? Some credit cards even give you miles or points or cash! But it can be a little tricky to figure out which give you the most bang for your buck.
Anyone who knows me will tell you: I’m pretty frugal. My friends and family say it’s actually beyond frugal, I’m cheap.
But I just like to get my money’s worth. So when it comes to credit cards – I like to look at every credit card offer to see if I can benefit. And I’m passing my knowledge on.
Start with your interests. If you like to travel, the sign-up bonus is the most important thing to look for in any card. Most airline cards usually offer bonuses of 50,000, sometimes 100,000 miles.
“Fifty-thousand miles will get you at least two tickets to the East Coast if you can do it off-peak,” said travel expert John DiScala, better known as “Johnny Jet.”
Rent and gas prices are rising in Southern California. For every two out of three people in Los Angeles, 61 percent are renters. Financial Advisor Cory Chapman suggests budgeting with goals in mind.
DiScala travels the world and writes about it on his website, figuring out ways to save people money and make flying more pleasant.
“Sometimes the credit card companies are offering these really incredible deals that give you almost $700 in travel if you can pay it off every month,” DiScala said.